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Employee Engagement

Allan Nygaard Larsen joins Eletive as Chief Revenue Officer


We're thrilled to announce that Allan Nygaard Larsen, former Regional Director at Talentsoft, is joining Eletive as our CRO. We had a chat with Allan about HCM software and why working with employee engagement tools gives him a strong sense of purpose.

Allan Nygaard Larsen, previously Regional Director at Talentsoft, joins Eletive as our new CRO. Allan brings a wealth of expertise and experience from the HCM sphere and is a seasoned expert in HR tech. During his many years in the industry, he has built a widely recognised network of HR leaders, thought leaders, and key players in the HCM ecosystem. Over the years, Allan has also seen how HR priorities have shifted and evolved over time.

"I've seen the digital transformation of HR accelerating during the past decade. The focus on employee wellbeing is one of the most prominent trends in HR right now. Organizations are ready for the 3.0 era of HCM where there is a strong focus on employee experience." 

The focus on employee wellbeing is one of the most prominent trends in HR right now.

One of the reasons employee engagement today is more critical than ever is the challenge many organizations see when it comes to retaining top talent. The pandemic irrevocably changed the world of work, the "Great Resignation" has taken a toll on many companies, and organizations are now looking for new and more agile ways of working.

"In 1997, the "war for talent" was a term coined by McKinsey's Steven Hankin. Today, organizations are waging a "war for retention." Working proactively with employee engagement is one of the most powerful levers in winning that. And the challenge companies face is not only retaining top talents but also fostering new talents by listening, nurturing, and understanding what initiatives drives talentism." 

An impact beyond the workplace

Allan says that one of the reasons he is so passionate about employee wellbeing is that it doesn’t only impact the bottom line. It affects all of us, as people, and every aspect of our daily lives. 

Employee engagement and wellbeing impact everything. How we feel about our work does not only impact us as individuals. It affects how we treat each other outside of work; it affects our health and our families.  

Supporting organizations with the tech and tools they need to build better workplaces is an important challenge and one that Allan is happy to take on.   

When people are happy and relaxed about their work, they do a good job.

"When people are happy and relaxed about their work, they do a good job. They're creative, productive, and happy to walk the extra mile. But if they're stressed, worried, and don't sleep well, that affects every aspect of life. It affects our whole society." 

Allan points out that work-related burnout and stress are growing health issues that are preventable. He says this brings him a strong sense of purpose. 

"Burnout and stress-related illnesses are rampant today and cause so much harm – on an individual, organizational and societal level. A listening and proactive approach to employee wellbeing is key to creating healthy workplaces where people thrive."

An exciting journey ahead 

Allan is looking forward to joining a company where work-life balance and employee wellbeing are always at the top of the agenda.

"Naturally, the team at Eletive uses the Eletive platform, and it's great to be able to see in numbers how healthy the organization is," he says. 

Improving wellbeing and reducing burnout is so much more than a corporate goal.

"I feel very motivated by the Eletive mission. It's a mission that goes beyond the walls of workplace and spill over into every part of society. Improving wellbeing and reducing burnout is so much more than a corporate goal. A world where people are happy, healthy, and engaged at work is a better world for everyone."

Allan says he's looking forward to helping take Eletive to the next level and contributing to the rapid international growth journey that Eletive is on. He has extensive experience in driving SaaS sales in Europe and notes that the demand for employee engagement and performance management tools is huge – and keeps growing.

"Eletive is expanding at a high pace and will more than double the headcount in 2022. So we have very exciting times ahead!"




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